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Website Traffic Stats

As a webmaster, or owner of a website you will know that promoting your website and getting good traffic to your site is one of the most important aspects governing the success of your website. But what is good traffic? Google Anaylitics

  • Do you know how many visitors your site receives?
  • do you know how they found your site?
  • do you know where they came from?
  • do you know which pages they look at?

The answers to these questions and other questions like them can all be easily answered. They can also provide vital information that will help you tweak your websites content and organisation improving the flow of traffic to and through your site and ultimately improving the effectiveness of your website.

Google AnayliticsAll hosting accounts provided by Pixelwave Web Design offer website statistics packages that allow you to view numerous characteristics of the traffic visiting your website. These tools can be invaluable in assessing the effectiveness of your website, analysing marketing and promotion strategies and developing future improvements. In addition to this Pixelwave Design is now offering website analysis based on Google Analytics. Google Analytics (previously known as Urchin) provides a unique graphical overview of what is actually happening on your site providing you with in-depth knowledge about your website’s traffic patterns. Not only can you discover the number of visitors and which pages these visitors looked at but you can see which search engines they used to find your site, which phrases they use to find your site, where in the world they were located and many other statistics allowing you to make sense of the traffic your website receives.

Google Analytics is the market leader in website traffic analysis and provides you with detailed information in an easy to understand format. If you would like help adding Google Analytics to your website feel free to contact Pixelwave Web Design.



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