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Pixelwave Website Design Weblog

Website Design Tuition

I pride myself on my friendly, helpful, jargon-free advice and it seems that my clients appreciate this. It does mean I spend an inordinate amount of time and non-billable hours dealing with clients queries and questions on the phone or via e-mail but it is usually worth it in the end

In fact a few clients have taken this a step further and have recently commissioned me to teach them various aspects of Website Design and Search Engine Optimisation. I enjoy the teaching process, not only does it get me in contact with my clients on a face-to-face basis, but it gives me chance to go back to basics and think about the best way of approaching projects. Often, keeping it simple is best.

It also reinforces the fact that there is a world of difference between a professionally produced website and one produced using a package such as Dreamweaver with no real knowledge of what is happening 'behind the scenes'. Don't get me wrong, Dreamweaver is perfectly capable of producing professional quality websites, but only if the user has a basic understanding of the HTML used to build the site. It is possible for almost anyone to produce a website that looks OK, but making it accessible, conform to standards, validate and optimising it for search engines requires more understanding of the way things work.

I shall soon be starting some web-design tuition for a client who has a background in computer programming, database management and other 'techy' aspects of computers. My approach for her tuition will be completely different, focusing on the more technical aspects that really make the difference for a professionally designed website.



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